Climate management requires major changes in government policies as well as business practices. Considerable public and private investments are needed, and it is essential to track progress using a reliable monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system.
Sustainable growth built on clean energy is a complex process. There are several policy and strategic options including carbon pricing, cap-and-trade, regulatory standards, subsidies, R&D, renewable technology deployment and innovation, improving energy efficiency and conservation. Many solutions exist and many more will follow.
Our services in this practice area help countries manage their economy-wide, sectoral and sub-national level policies and programs. For corporations, we provide strategic guidance and tools to manage their financial and reputational risks and operational efficiency through better use of energy and water resources. Our core product is a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system that countries and corporations need for tracking the outcomes of their investments, policies and programs.
Green Financing
GHG emissions is a global externality and for the foreseeable future, the private sector’s clean energy investments in developing countries will need supplemental financial support from governments, multi-lateral and bilateral organizations.
To ensure that public funding contributes to measurable reductions in GHG emissions, we provide project level MRV protocols and state-of-the-art computer tools to track the performance of such investments. We also provide guidelines on country-level regulatory framework and contract clauses that ensure that project level monitoring is complete, accurate and reported on a timely basis to public agencies and donors.
Performeks LLC recently completed a World Bank report on the conceptual design of the regulatory framework and MRV system to support clean energy investment through Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) in developing countries [document forthcoming].
Regulations and Policy Analysis
The total greenhouse gases we release far exceed the assimilative capacity of our planet and its atmosphere. The key reason for this excess is market failure—our inability as a society to limit GHG emissions through regulations and prices.
We have a proven record in designing environmental regulations, permits and standards, developing strategies for pollution charge programs and successfully implementing environmental transparency initiatives. Performeks LLC is therefore uniquely positioned to provide insightful and actionable guidance to governments on how to formulate and implement their climate change strategies.
For climate change and energy, our services for governments include: analysis of policy opportunities and risks, information and data readiness assessment, institutional and MRV capacity building. We work with a team of economists, energy experts and experienced regulators to help countries evaluate their policy options ranging from regulations to economic instruments and energy efficiency standards.
Visit our CO2 Scorecard research to read our influential policy notes.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
We help national and sub-national governments design and implement policies and programs that encourage energy conservation in residential, commercial and industrial sectors. We specialize in using information and disclosure strategies to motivate end-users to cut their energy consumption. Our computer tools generate informative benchmarking reports for households, offices and industries that create competitive incentives to conserve energy. Our data collection and compilation system brings together data from dispersed reporting entities into one integrated database using online and desktop data-entry interfaces.
For private companies we deploy our state-of-the-art energy use tracking system that captures data for individual sites, departments and production units and organizes it for analysis and visualization. The system also maintains an inventory of energy efficiency and conservation efforts and enables managers to evaluate before and after changes. Additionally, the tool generates a variety of reports to support internal-evaluations as well as external-reporting using the GRI and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) formats.